Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Cognatrix 1.6 beta (multilingual)

A beta version of Cognatrix 1.6 is available. This version allows you to create multi-lingual thesauri where terms in different languages can be associated with each other via a new set of relationships: exact equivalence, inexact equivalence and partial equivalence. Cognatrix 1.6 ships with 20 languages predefined (those for the EU) but you can add, delete or edit language definitions as needed. There is no design limit on the number of language definitions that can be supported. Each item in your thesaurus has a language code and this carries through to generated HTML and XML. Naturally, Unicode is supported in all fields so you can use any language script supported by Mac OS X. An information page is available where you can find out more about Cognatrix 1.6. You can also download Cognatrix 1.6.0b2 directly (includes an updated user guide in the Help menu) or just the updated user guide if you want to read all the details first.

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